Monday, July 24, 2017

Store Champs Round 2 Fight!

Alright it's go time.  Round 2 I got Kevin, and he had a Dodonna Doom Pickle.  DOOOOOOOOM!
Objects in space mirror may be closer than they appear.

So Kevin brought the following:

kevin's list
Faction: Rebel Alliance
Points: 389/400

Commander: General Dodonna
Assault Objective: Advanced Gunnery
Defense Objective: Contested Outpost
Navigation Objective: Solar Corona

[ flagship ] MC80 Assault Cruiser (114 points)
-  General Dodonna  ( 20  points)
Defiance  ( 5  points)
-  Skilled First Officer  ( 1  points)
-  Engine Techs  ( 8  points)
-  Reinforced Blast Doors  ( 5  points)
-  Electronic Countermeasures  ( 7  points)
-  Quad Battery Turrets  ( 5  points)
-  Leading Shots  ( 4  points)
= 169 total ship cost

Hammerhead Torpedo Corvette (36 points)
-  Ordnance Experts  ( 4  points)
-  External Racks  ( 3  points)
= 43 total ship cost

Hammerhead Torpedo Corvette (36 points)
-  Ordnance Experts  ( 4  points)
-  External Racks  ( 3  points)
= 43 total ship cost

Hammerhead Torpedo Corvette (36 points)
-  Ordnance Experts  ( 4  points)
-  External Racks  ( 3  points)
= 43 total ship cost

Hammerhead Torpedo Corvette (36 points)
-  Ordnance Experts  ( 4  points)
-  External Racks  ( 3  points)
= 43 total ship cost

1 Tycho Celchu ( 16 points)
2 YT-2400s ( 32 points)

And when he went first, he chose Fleet Ambush.  Yeah, I had that in there.  And so, Kevin placed his first ship down.
What.  Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.

My thoughts on my choice of Fleet Ambush after that placement.
Pretty sure I need like 3 reaction gifs for this.  Also, it's just like an apex predator raptor about to eat me.
Because this game is also going to be on speed.
Alright, I'm done with reaction gifs, I think we can all see the hilarious terror that Kevin had just given me.  Let's see how the rest of deployment went!
Important note! Nothing is starting in that side arc. Thank goodness.
So, Kevin sent the MC80 in first, trying to make sure that I couldn't jam him up and keep him stuck in place where he was (i asked him after the game).  The GR75s sent in all the A-wings and ended up stripping 4 shields that way.  I fired everything but that back Hammerhead, blew 2 external racks, the boarding troopers, tapped the Intel Officer which prevented him from using the Brace against the Salvation attack, but at the end of round 1/top of round 2, here we were.
The ambush.... worked?
From there the rest of the game went as it went, trading hammerheads of mine for his or his for mine.  End of the game he had Tycho and one Hammerhead left, I had 3 A-wings, Shara, the Salvation, the Jaina's Light, and one remaining Hammerhead (the one with the boarding troopers).  Sorry, I didn't take any more pictures as the main action had already happened.

So, a terrifying start and a finish that resulted in a win, and that second place finish.  I enjoyed this fleet a lot and need to play it more, developing it.  But it's close, and I have several thoughts on Leia and how to play her going forwards.  Soon, I'll have more thoughts.  Soon.  But first, potentially changing out Fleet Ambush, comma, ugggggggggggh.

1 comment:

  1. If thaat MC 80 had been angled a little differently...........................................
