Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Two RR Officers!

Before I dive into Draven, I figured I'd punch out Pryce and attack Assaj: hit the jump, kids!

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Four RR2 Squadrons!

Hooray, we got 4 new squadrons! Let me dump them all HERE before inserting them into their own posts. Hit the jump for some cool new stuff!

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

You Underestimate My Power!

Well, someone has to do it, and since Truth didn't want to, it falls to geek. Hooray! The final card to update and fix and then I'm... done. Wait. That's not happy. And speaking of not happy, how about those old Anakin Skywalker players? Let's hit the jump!

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Rapid Reinforcements 2 Announcement Post!

Alright, we finally have enough rulings that I can start getting these articles out. Almost everything has been clarified and these sure.... are cards, alright. I'm working on getting all these out for people and may even have some help soon writing them up, but we'll see how those all get out soon enough. I have..... many feelings about these cards, and the FAQs that arrived today.  I will try not to let them color my judgment too much as the site exists to advise people how to play these cards; I will use those rulings to help write the articles, though!

Expect the first ghost when the clock strikes onnnnnnnne! Or uh, I mean, article, uh, soon