Hey guys, Kelorn asked if he could write an AAR for the Lone Star Open, and I will take any free article that gives me those sweet, sweet pageclicks. You know you want to read what he wrote, so hit the jump!
The key is to make the joke and then never explain it |
How goes it everyone? It’s Kelorn again coming back to you with an After Action Report from Lone Star Open 2023 in Allen, TX. This year AMG designated LSO as a Worlds Open Qualifier event and thus the Top 4 players would receive invites to Worlds. Of those 4, the first place winner would also receive travel and accommodations at Worlds. Pretty exciting stuff, as last year Texas didn’t get a Qualifier for Worlds.
The event did sell out; with 46 players buying tickets and 45 showing up to play on Day 1. As soon as the Qualifier status was announced, there was a huge influx of people grabbing tickets. We had players from Chicago, Utah, Florida, Vancouver, and Quebec; as well as locals from Oklahoma, Arkansas, Dallas, Austin, Houston, and San Antonio. It nearly doubled last year's player count of 23.
All of that is to say that the tournament was set up to be four rounds on Day 1, followed by a Top 12 cut for three rounds on Day 2.
Tournament Prep
Unlike last year, where I had been playing weekly games, I had only played a couple of games since playing in TXO in late May. As my experiment at TXO with the Pryce Ravager SSD didn’t pan out, I was at something of a loss on what to play. I tossed around bringing back some of my Agate lists from last year, as well as Anakin, Plo, and Bail from the GAR faction.
At the end of the day, Agate Starhawk didn’t seem like a good idea and I honestly didn’t feel like I had enough experience with GAR in general to pull off a faction switch at this late date. FoxOmega and I independently came up with an Ozzel list that was virtually identical and when he indicated he wanted to try it, I loaned him some Firesprays and was back to the drawing board.
Then I remembered Collin Looney’s success with King KOG at the Last Chance Qualifier and thought, “Why not? That looked like a ton of fun!”
So off I went to the LCQ T4 and took a look at his list. I made a couple modifications to the list to suit my play style, but by and large, the list is the same as what he had in the LCQ:
Assault: Most Wanted
Defense: Rift Ambush
Navigation: Infested Fields
Gozanti Cruisers (23)
• Darth Vader (1)
• Comms Net (2)
= 26 Points
Onager Testbed (96)
• General Romodi (20)
• Governor Pryce (7)
• Sensor Team (5)
• Veteran Gunners (5)
• Orbital Bombardment Particle Cannons (5)
= 138 Points
ISD Kuat Refit (112)
• Admiral Ozzel (2)
• Boarding Troopers (3)
• Electronic Countermeasures (7)
• External Racks (4)
= 128 Points
Gladiator I (56)
• Skilled First Officer (1)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• External Racks (4)
• Demolisher (10)
= 75 Points
• 4 x TIE Fighter Squadron (32)
= 32 Points
Total Points: 399
The changes I made were to drop Rakehell and Point Defense Ion Cannons and swap to Pryce, Sensor team, vet gunners on the Onager. My theory was that I was ok with trading a 128 pt Kuat, as long as it traded up for me, but that the ability to get double accuracy on the Onager whenever I needed it might pay off.
Day 1
Fox and I drove up Friday night and met up with the early arrivals for dinner at On the Border, which is kind of a tradition for us to eat there the last three years. They were a little shocked when we called ahead to ask for a table for 25 though. Fox’s choice of the Grand Papi for dinner did come back to haunt him, but that’s a story for another day.
Ian and Allen, the TOs for the tournament, had worked with Front Line Gaming (the event organizer) and had 23 tables set up for us in the back corner of the convention hall. Saturday morning we didn’t start until 10 AM, would play two games, have a break for lunch, then have two more games to finish up at 930 PM.
Game 1
My round one opponent, Josh (Dr keter on discord), was flying what he called German Motti.
Raider I (44)
• Admiral Motti (24)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• External Racks (4)
• Corvus (2)
78 Points
Gozanti Cruisers (23)
• Parts Resupply (3)
26 Points
Arquitens Command Cruiser (59)
• Captain Needa (2)
• Engine Techs (8)
• Reinforced Blast Doors (5)
• Linked Turbolaser Towers (7)
81 Points
Arquitens Command Cruiser (59)
• Commander Beck (3)
• Engine Techs (8)
• Reinforced Blast Doors (5)
• Linked Turbolaser Towers (7)
82 Points
• Tel Trevura (17)
• Darth Vader (TIE Defender) (25)
• Valen Rudor (13)
• Colonel Jendon (20)
• Black Squadron (9)
• Tempest Squadron (13)
• 2 x Firespray-31 (36)
133 Points
Total Points: 400
This list was super interesting and I have to admit I completely underestimated it. I chose to go second, with Josh choosing Most Wanted. Josh set up with his raider on the backline, one Arq on each side and the goz and squads in the middle. I chose his left Arq as the most wanted target and my gozanti as my objective ship. His plan was to bait me to split up my fleet, which he succeeded in accomplishing.
I set up my Onager on the left side, with the Kuat and the Gozanti in the center. Demo was on the right side, backlining to the left to either assist the Onager or follow the Kuat. My thought was that the Onager could solo one arq while demo and the Kuat would kill the raider and other arq.
As soon as Josh started moving his ships that plan was out the window. What I didn’t realize is that he had Engine Techs on the Arqs, which lets them double click the end joint at any speed, the engine tech with another double click. I instantly realized this meant my Onager was never going to catch the left arq and I used a hammer on an eggshell to use the onager to kill his gozanti over the course of the game.
The problem became that I had turned my Kuat to the right with the initial ozzel move and my turn 1 move, trying to engage the right Arq. His rogues started to bomb my Kuat on the squad phase of turn 1, and that’s never good for long term survival.
My initial thought of following my Kuat with Demo was out the window. The left Arq was in behind my Onager and it was the objective target. So Demo rushed to the left side of the board, eventually killing the Most Wanted Objective ship with its barrage of close range firepower, aided by the side arc of the Onager.
On the right side of the board, my Kuat was in desperate straights, having been bombed repeatedly, despite the best efforts of my four tie fighters. Despite my repeated attempts to bait him into my front arc, Josh dodged close range of the Kuat front arc repeatedly with both the Arq and his Raider flagship. On turn 6, I ended up with a killshot of five damage on the raider flagship, but he evaded the five damage into three, and his raider finally burned its ex racks to put the Kuat out of its misery. Thus turning what would have been a nice 8-3 win (if the Kuat lived) into a 5-6 loss.
Game 2
Round 1 had included five 10-1’s so my 5-6 loss put me in the middle of the pack. I was hoping to be matched with someone I could bootstrap myself up the ladder a bit. Alas, I ran headlong into Steve Smaha’s triple venator anakin list.
Venator II (100)
• Anakin Skywalker (29)
• Clone Captain Silver (4)
• Local Fire Control (4)
• Flak Guns (3)
• Thermal Shields (5)
• External Racks (4)
• DBY-827 Heavy Turbolasers (3)
• Tranquility (3)
= 155 Points
Venator II (100)
• Barriss Offee (6)
• Local Fire Control (4)
• Flak Guns (3)
• Thermal Shields (5)
• External Racks (4)
• DBY-827 Heavy Turbolasers (3)
= 125 Points
Venator I (90)
• Hondo Ohnaka (2)
• Local Fire Control (4)
• Intensify Firepower! (6)
• Flak Guns (3)
• External Racks (4)
• DBY-827 Heavy Turbolasers (3)
• Resolute (6)
= 118 Points
= 0 Points
Total Points: 398
Now, KOG doesn’t match up badly versus Anakin, as KOG likes to blow up ships. The problem is that it’s essentially a damage race. Which, with Anakin, is always dicey… (pause for laughter).
![]() |
My shtick! |
Steve had bid on me and chose to go first, which made sense, as it would allow him to punish my Kuat before it could shoot. He also chose my Most Wanted. I outdeployed him, so his setup was complete before I had to commit. All three venators in the center of the board, with Anakin in the middle, Barriss to my left, and the Venator 1 to my right.
And here, friends, is where I made another mistake. I KNEW I could kill the Venator 1, so I set up my ships on the right side to engage it first. The problem was that I didn’t think I needed Most Wanted to kill it (which was right), if that was the case, I thought that killing Anakin’s flagship would be more important and made it the Most Wanted Objective (which was wrong).
What proceeded was the fastest game of Armada I have ever played.
In thirty minutes, my Kuat closed in and killed the Venator 1 with help from the Onager on turn 2, but not before the Ven1 mortally wounded the Kuat. Anakin slowed down in the center, which let Barriss cut across the center of the board to finish off the Kuat on turn 3. Anakin chose not to block the Onager’s front arc, so the Onager and Demo polished off Barriss at the end of turn 3 and they sailed off to the left of the board while Anakin flew to the right. Game over as we moved our ships through turns 4-5-6 without ever getting another shot.
At the end of the day I got a 7-4 win. Which had I not been a dumb-dumb and made the Ven1 the Objective ship, would have netted me a 9-2. Important lesson there friends, DON’T GET COCKY.
Game 3
Fox and I went to lunch and we reflected on the morning’s games. Fox had gotten two bad losses and needed time to recover, whereas I was solidly in the middle of the pack at around 21st. I had 12 tournament points and figured I needed to get to about 26 minimum to make Day 2. Preferably 28, so my goal was two 8’s. Not unreasonable, but not a cakewalk either.
As we got back to the hall, I found out I was paired with Juan (aggieTlatoani) for Round 3. He was flying his patented Luminara fleet that had recently kicked the crap out of my SSD fleet at TXO in May. This time, though, would be different.
Venator II (100)
• Luminara Unduli (25)
• Expert Shield Tech (5)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• SPHA-T (7)
• Thermal Shields (5)
• Assault Proton Torpedoes (4)
• XI7 Turbolasers (6)
• Tranquility (3)
= 159 Points
Acclamator II (71)
• Intel Officer (7)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• Thermal Shields (5)
• Assault Proton Torpedoes (4)
• Swivel-Mount Batteries (8)
= 99 Points
Pelta Transport Frigate (45)
• Clone Navigation Officer (4)
• Projection Experts (6)
• Munitions Resupply (3)
• FB-88 (4)
= 62 Points
• Anakin Skywalker (Delta-7) (24)
• Ahsoka Tano (23)
• Axe (17)
• Kickback (16)
= 80 Points
I outbid Juan and chose 2nd. Juan chose Rift Ambush. This started a string of games that had me playing Rift Ambush. I set up all the obstacles, with the Rift in the center and a U of obstacles with the base of the U toward my opponent’s board edge.
Now, have you ever used your boarding troopers and external racks on turn 1? Yeah, I hadn’t either, until this game.
Juan set up his Pelta and squads in the center, the venator on my right and the acclamator on my left. I set up my Kuat across from the Venator, the Onager angled in to keep both enemy ships in ignition arc, and Demo set to come left to right and follow the Kuat.
Start of turn one, I used Ozzel officer to move forward one. Juan then chose to move the venator at speed 3, then the rift move to get all the way into close range of the front arc of the Kuat. This guaranteed that I couldn’t shoot him with the Onager the turn the turn that I used Boarding Troopers.
With no choice, I used BT to exhaust the brace and redirect, then hit him with external racks and the front arc. He used his thermal shields which discarded his brace. He removed my blacks and a blue, but I used exracks and it resulted in 3 damage cards on the Venator. I rammed the Venator with the Kuat, then rammed it again with the rift move, leaving the Venator on 5 damage cards turn one.
Turn 2, the venator activated and whiffed its shot, and then quickly expired to the combined fire of the Onager and Demo front arc. After that, Demo slowed down and let the clam come into its side arc, repeatedly hammering it while the Onager side arc gave a helping hand. Meanwhile the pelta eventually fell to a combination of the Kuat and the Onager ignition arc. The double guaranteed accuracy from the Onager was crucial, locking the Brace and Evade of the pelta and hitting it with 6-8 damage. The clam tried really hard to kill Demo, but after unloading several times, Demo and the Onager scooted away, the Kuat living on one hull point as it dodge asteroids to run away.
It was a 400-58 table, trading my Gozanti and squads for all of his ships and a 10-1.
Game 4
At this point I was on Table 4 and paired with Matthew Chambers. His fleet, Ozzel’s Yacht Club, was a beefy double ISD2 fleet with Palpatine officer and double Boarding Troopers.
Imperial II (120)
• Admiral Ozzel (20)
• Wulff Yularen (7)
• Boarding Troopers (3)
• Electronic Countermeasures (7)
• Point Defense Ion Cannons (4)
• Chimaera (4)
• Entrapment Formation! (5)
= 170 Points
Gozanti Cruisers (23)
• Hondo Ohnaka (2)
• Comms Net (2)
= 27 Points
Imperial II (120)
• Emperor Palpatine (3)
• Boarding Troopers (3)
• Electronic Countermeasures (7)
• Point Defense Ion Cannons (4)
= 137 Points
• Tel Trevura (17)
• Soontir Fel (18)
• Tempest Squadron (13)
• Black Squadron (9)
= 57 Points
Total Points: 391
I knew that if I let both ISDs get in close to the Kuat at the same time, I’d pay for it. At this point I had 22 Tournament points and a 6 would just about lock me into the Top 12. A five would be borderline, but I had a pretty decent MOV after my 10-1.
Matthew had bid and chose to go second, giving me the only game I played as first player. I chose his Advanced Gunnery. We essentially corner deployed away from each other. If he wanted to play the game and go for it then I wanted to delay the action as long as possible, decreasing the number of ISD2 front arc shots my Kuat would take. Matthew chose his Palpatine ISD2 as the Adv Gunnery ship and I chose my gozanti, trying not to give up points if I could.
To that end, I slow-rolled it. My Kuat and demo went to speed zero after I lined them up facing the two ISDs. The Onager tucked in behind the Kuat and slowed down. In my head, if he chose to slow down and not engage, I was willing to take the 5 TP and squeak into top 12, which probably meant he would too, with a 6. At the same time, going slow would delay an engagement until later in the game, lowering the number of possible shots coming into my ships.
Alas, Ozzel had both of the ISDs barreling down at me at speed 3 and I puckered my butt for what was coming. On the way in, my Onager got shots on the Flagship, taking down most of its shields. But on the most important turn, he kept the flagship out of close range of my Kuat, so I switched targets to the Advanced gunnery ISD2. I hit it with Demo twice, the Onager ignition arc, and then boarding troopers and the ISD2 front arc, taking it down in a hail of fire in a single turn. The Kuat had been taking damage, but before the Palpatine ISD died, it used advanced gunnery to kill my Demo (luckily it had already blown its wad).
At this point his flagship had taken a fair bit of damage and he chose to run from the Onager that was essentially on full health. My Kuat made a run for it, and got chased by his squads. Turn 6 my Kuat had 1 hull left and Matt was able to get Tel in range for ONE LAST SHOT… that whiffed, letting my Kuat live. Since I had killed the objective ship I got 257 points, while Matt got my Demo and 4 squads for 107.
This gave me a solid 8-3 win and catapulted me into third place for Day 1. But what would Day 2 hold in store?
Day 2
Once again we had a late start, with round one starting at 10:15 am. Before we started I spent some time helping Fox get this monstrosity of a sector fleet (7 peltas and 7 c70s) together out of Allen’s bottomless GAR box.
One of the players from the Top 12 didn’t make it, and the number 13 player, Joseph, was given the final slot. It was the moment of truth and pairings were generated… giving me Jordan as my round 1 opponent.
Now, those of you who don’t know, I played Jordan at GSG and he tabled me the last round of Day 2, which kept me out of possibly getting a worlds ticket. It had been a grueling game vs his Agate MC30s fleet and this would prove to be the case again. It was a little different now, taking advantage of Rapid Reinforcements 2.
MC30c Torpedo Frigate (63)
• Kyrsta Agate (20)
• Expert Shield Tech (5)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• Electronic Countermeasures (7)
• External Racks (4)
• H9 Turbolasers (8)
• Foresight (8)
= 119 Points
MC30c Torpedo Frigate (63)
• Lando Calrissian (4)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• Advanced Projectors (6)
• External Racks (4)
• H9 Turbolasers (8)
• Admonition (6)
= 95 Points
GR-75 Medium Transports (18)
• Ezra Bridger (3)
• Comms Net (2)
= 23 Points
GR-75 Medium Transports (18)
• Adar Tallon (10)
• Boosted Comms (4)
= 32 Points
• Fenn Rau (24)
• Jan Ors (19)
• Shara Bey (17)
• 2 x Scurrg H-6 Bomber (32)
• 4 x Z-95 Headhunter Squadron (28)
• A-wing Squadron (11)
= 131 Points
Total Points: 400
I had bid and chose second, with him choosing my Rift Ambush. In retrospect, I probably should have taken first, but I was afraid of him having some kind of farm objective with his squads that I just wouldn’t be able to take. Regardless, decision made, Jordan chose Rift Ambush and we started to put out obstacles…
Only to be told to stop, we were on delay.
One of the Top 12 players had collapsed on the ground and EMS had been called. It was a scary ten minutes as Joseph, who’d just been added to top 12 and who is a Doctor, monitored the player until the Ambulance arrived and they took him out on a gurney. He DID end up coming back and telling us that it had been an ocular migraine and that he was ok later, which we were all very grateful for.
Unfortunately, this left us in a pickle. Our Top 12 had now been reduced to 11. The order of events was important here. The pairings had been generated, the timer and deployment had begun, and the player, before he collapsed, had stated that he conceded the game. The TOs discussed it, brought in Fox as an independent 3rd opinion and decided that it was no longer possible to add another player. It was also unclear as to who would be added, as players 14 and 15 were not present. The top cut would proceed with a bye being given to the lowest scoring player in round 2 and 3. This was a little controversial, but I believe, given the order of what happened, this was the correct course of action.
Once that had been resolved, we were cleared to resume play, albeit a fair bit later than we planned.
Jordan out deployed me, which meant my entire fleet had to be deployed before his MC30s were deployed. I mostly corner deployed to the right, with the kuat near enough to the rift to try to use it to catapult and the onager in the right corner. Demo was deployed to follow the Kuat or assist the onager.
Jordan chose to deploy his MC30s across from the Onager. On turn 1, my Kuat made a hard right, with Ozzel and a nav dial speed 2, to try to form a kill box for the right MC30 (foresight with Agate). It was nearly perfect, with Agate nearly forced to move into the front arc of the Kuat. Alas, Jordan found a speed 4 inside turn that got Foresight into the Kuat’s side arc and out of deletion range.
I was able to use the onager, demo, and Boarding teams to get rid of both of Foresight’s evades, but the side arc from the Kuat wasn’t able to kill Foresight in one go. I made a critical mistake, turning the Kuat toward the onager in an attempt to bump foresight, but missed, leaving my Kuat front to front with my Onager.
Turn 3 started, with Foresight trying to run away, but getting caught on my Gozanti and falling back to the first position. I delayed, using the Onager to shoot foresight and hurt it badly, while watching the Adar GR75 and my gozanti ram themselves to death, literally, with the Rift Ambush extra moves. Admonition finally activated and unloaded on the onager before jumping both the onager and demo.
Demo activated last, blasting Admonition with 6 black dice and rolling TEN damage… which Lando promptly made me reroll into 4 and admo discarded a token and turned it into 2. Demo then jumped over the ISD and landed a kill shot on the flagship, finally finishing it off with the exact damage needed.
This is where it all kind of fell apart for me. I forgot to shoot Admonition with the onager side arc, so I missed out on doing that damage. The onager and Kuat were stuck, with the squads finishing them off. Demo tried valiantly to use the rift to catch a speed 4 ship, but nearly got killed chasing it down. Turn 6 I was barely out of close range and that ended any chance for me to table Jordan.
A really hard fought game until the end, with lots of opportunities for both of us to win. With everything dead but Demo, I only got points for his flagship and adar gr75. 162-325 and a 3-8 loss.
Game 2
At this point, I had my work cut out for me and I went to lunch with Fox, who was exuberant after playing Downsizeit in the first round of the Sector fleet tournament with his silly number of ships. Since I was tied for last, it was possible I would get a bye round 2. As I was eating my sandwich, pairings were released and Drew got the bye while I got matched with Scott and his SSD.
SSD Assault Prototype (250)
• Moff Jerjerrod (23)
• Director Krennic (8)
• Emperor Palpatine (3)
• Governor Pryce (7)
• Gunnery Team (7)
• Flak Guns (3)
• Quad Laser Turrets (5)
• Leading Shots (6)
• Overload Pulse (8)
• Linked Turbolaser Towers (7)
• Quad Battery Turrets (5)
• Ravager (4)
= 336 Points
Gozanti Cruisers (23)
• Darth Vader (1)
• Comms Net (2)
= 26 Points
Gozanti Cruisers (23)
• Repair Crews (4)
= 27 Points
= 0 Points
Total Points: 389
Now, in theory, KOG should table an SSD fleet. The question is what do I lose to do it. The Kuat can die if I can’t kill the SSD fast enough.
Scott had bid and chose to go 1st, choosing Rift Ambush again.
Scott deployed the SSD between the obstacles and to the left of the Rift. I deployed my Kuat slightly to the right of the SSD, with the Onager at about center board. Demo I split to the left, trying to force Scott to make a choice on what to engage. Either turn toward demo and blow it up while the Kuat and Onager are basically unopposed all game, or turn toward the Kuat and try and race for damage. I used Rift Ambush at the start of turn 1 to havethe SSD perform a speed 1 maneuver and change its dial to speed 2.
Scott chose to turn toward the Kuat and the dice-roll-a-thon was on. On turn 2 the SSD slammed the Kuat, proccing Overload Pulse as it went. Then the Onager and Demo forced the SSD to spend both its braces before the Kuat discarded them both with Boarding teams. Turn 3 the Kuat took another big hit, leaving it on one hull. Again demo and the onager shot first, leaving the Kuat to fire the final shot (I needed one damage and got 8) to finish off the SSD on turn 3.
With nothing lost on my side, the 400-0 left me with a 10-1 and vaulted me back into contention.
Game 3
There was a gaggle of players at 13 and 14 points and basically anyone could be paired with anyone in that group. Eventually I got paired with Joseph and his Starhawk/Liberty list.
MC80 Battle Cruiser (103)
• Ray Antilles (7)
• Caitken and Shollan (6)
• Engine Techs (8)
• Point Defense Ion Cannons (4)
• Spinal Armament (9)
• Mon Karren (6)
= 143 Points
GR-75 Medium Transports (18)
• Comms Net (2)
= 20 Points
Starhawk Battleship Mark II (150)
• Kyrsta Agate (20)
• Expert Shield Tech (5)
• Walex Blissex (5)
• Boarding Troopers (3)
• Point Defense Ion Cannons (4)
• Linked Turbolaser Towers (7)
• Unity (10)
= 204 Points
• 2 x YT-2400 (32)
= 32 Points
Total Points: 399
We rolled off for initiative, with me winning the roll and choosing second, with Joseph choosing Rift Ambush for one final time.
I out-deployed Joseph, so I was able to see his disposition before any of my combat ships went down. His Starhawk was in the center angled toward the left. His MC80 was in the far left corner, running down the board edge. I chose to deploy to the left and focus on the big boy Starhawk, as I knew that given its deployment, catching the MC80 was unlikely. I chose the MC80 to do a speed 1 maneuver and slowed it down to speed 1, trying to make Joseph think that was my target.
I moved forward with Ozzel and Joseph turned his starhawk hard to port, lining up with my Kuat and onager, and moving an extra one forward from the rift.
And here, friends, I made another mistake. Instead of going forward at speed 2 with the Kuat and letting the rift get me to close range, I went speed 3 and the Rift move left me double arced by the starhawk (whoops). The Starhawk was stuck until the Kuat was dead, which was starting to happen quickly. The MC80 couldn’t come in directly, because of the Rift in the center of the board. It chose to try and cut behind the Starhawk after lobbing some long range shots at the nearly dead Kuat.
After taking those shots, Joseph made an inside turn towards his board edge with Mon Karen and then engine techs, which made the liberty go off the board. Something similar had happened to me at Golden State Games on the very first round and it was really rough. After that, the Starhawk killed the Kuat, but Demo and the Onager finished it off, giving me a 9-2 win with 400-152.
Again this was a quick game, and I knew that if Tables 1 and 2 got no better than an 8, I would win with my huge MOV. Alas, Mack and Jordan both got huge wins, scoring a 9 and 10, respectively, leaving me in third place, but with a Worlds invite.
It was an amazing tournament, with me digging myself out of a hole both days and ending up third both days. I got to meet a ton of people who listen to the podcast and who wanted to shake hands and take selfies. All of my opponents were amazing and really gave me a run for my money.
Until next time, I’ll catch you on the Armada Podcast.
I’ll be at Worlds this year! (And not as a trashcan)
great AAR really good read i hope to get a tournament as good as this in the UK