Saturday, July 27, 2024

Armada Independence Day

It's your friendly neighborhood Truthiness here. While most Armada bloggers and commentators are eulogizing or mourning, I have a sliiiiiiightly different take on the latest news. The title of this article probably gives this away, but if I had to pick one word to describe my feelings of late, it would be “freedom.” I am probably more excited for our community right now than I have been for some time. I'm sure that's an odd notion to many of you at this particular moment for the game, so let me break down my bit of optimism.

Definitely not crazy. Definitely.

Unlike most of the BIG crew, I have stayed very engaged with the Armada community. Where Biggs, Shmitty, Snipa, and Geek have all seen a drop off in their local communities, I have always been a primarily online player. I started playing online when stationed in Arizona. That continued in the DC area because I never had a FLGS with much gaming space. I played on the table as much as I could, but between life and distance to the rest of the area’s players, it was never frequent. Instead, my main enjoyment has come through the online community, first on the FFG forums and then through the various discords. I wasn't able to consistently attend Worlds until 2019. For me, the high level play every year was the Vassal World Cup. So while local communities have dried up for the rest of BIG, my primary community has done nothing but get bigger. The pandemic era brought in a huge influx of new blood, most of it experiencing the game for the first time online through TTS and Vassal. I think that's why you'll find me to have a pretty different perspective from the rest of BIG. While they were seeing their specific groups phasing out of the game, I was seeing their local shifts as part of the larger trends. What was happening around 2020-2023 wasn't the game slowly atrophying, but instead a passing of the guard in the United States and some rather spectacular growth in Europe.

The Armada Community since 2020

The 2023 Worlds tournament was the largest we had seen to date. It was a mix of old guard, expecting it to be the last Worlds, and younger players, experiencing the spectacle for the first time. Even crazier, 2024 Worlds was bigger. What's more, it was chalk full of even more newer players to the game than 2023. The skill of the players and the ever evolving meta of the game remains engaging and fun. I credit this largely to the foundation FFG left us in 1.5. That has combined with a community, as Biggs said in his post, that has remained top notch. Worlds has become a must-go event for me. The rush of 3 days of absolutely top notch Armada is like nothing else. Even had I not made this year’s top 8, an incredible honor and experience, the inaugural World Team Championship sounds like it was equally fun and exciting (shout out to the Polish sweep!). So while the game itself is wonderful, this game’s larger community around the world is something truly special. That, above all, is the root of my optimism: a thriving, welcoming, and engaged community.

How we should have greeted AMG

Why then is “hope” or “optimism” not my word of the moment? That, my friends, has everything to do with the tyrant in our lives. While the community was growing and thriving over the last four years, the game itself has been largely stagnant. That lies entirely at the feet of AMG. They could have done cardboard only expansions. They could have increased prices to compensate for the supposed “increase in cost” for pre-painted minis. Hell, they could have pivoted to un-painted miniatures, which I think the community would have largely accepted as a cost of changing supply chains. Instead, they did the bare minimum required, despite being handed development ideas on a silver platter by FFG’s old miniatures department. To echo Biggs again: fuck AMG. They never bothered to learn the game or cared about its development. More importantly, though, is the fact we don't need them. This game is alive and well in spite of them. I'm not saying we are definitely going to be the next Battlefleet Gothic or Blood Bowl, games that have held their communities together in spite of GW’s negligence. I do, however, think we have a real shot. We have former playtesters coming back together to form the Armada Rules Collective. We have Adepticon’s official backing to continue to host community-organized Worlds tournaments. We have community leaders linked together, determined to help each other make the best events we can. And we don't have to care what AMG does anymore. We. Are. FREE. Let's make the best of that.

You knew where this was going

Thursday, July 18, 2024

John's Catch-All Post

Armada was dead, to begin with. There is no doubt whatever, about that. The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner. The Wills signed it; and the Wills' name was good upon shit for 'change, for anything they chose to put their hand to. Armada was as dead as a door-nail.

Like I was going out any different from any way you've ever known me, Now to shoehorn in a Hamilton reference!

Monday, July 15, 2024

Armada's End: a Retrospective

As I'm sure most readers of this blog are aware, AMG officially pulled the plug on both Armada and X-Wing. No more development, no more inventory produced, Worlds 2025 will be the last hurrah.

Many Armada players on 6/13/24

Friday, July 12, 2024

Ani Updated!

New Ani is the RIGHT Ani. All cards SHOULD be updated and right, let me know if you have any issues or see something that needs fixing, thanks

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Draven Updated!

 His article is fixed. He sure is a commander you can take, though I'd say "probably don't?" Anyways, just Ani left to fix at the moment.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Xantos Worlds 2024 Write-Up

Thanks to Damon AKA Xantos for both writing this and never actually bugging me about publishing this over the last 3 months. My bad, bro-dawg.

What up y'all, I’m back!

Triumphant return, with a reference to last year’s dusty ol article!

John Got Off His Butt!

Every RR2.5 change (commanders excepted, they're in progress) has been incorporated, and all the correct looking cards are on the articles where they're supposed to be. I HAD updated the articles on many of the points change bits and squads, but I had trouble (re: I got busy and lazy) getting the right pictures updated as MY computer (and not my wife's laptop for easy text edits) is upstairs near the baby's room.

Anyways, yes, things are being updated. All I SHOULD have left is Draven and Ani, but lemme know if you find anything else bad elsewhere/in need of fixes. I did a real quick points change search so let me know if anything relevant needs fixing.

Up next, Damon's long ago written article of his time at Worlds, that I did promise him I would publish (no one else asked or reached out, but hey, if you wanna talk, I got a platform, late though it may be!).  And Eric and I at least are working on thoughts on the AMG announcement. Biggs and Truth may publish as well, though Biggs's response was along the lines of "how many four letter words do you think I can print?" Can't say I disagree. I'm gonna guess shmitty being on his Epic American Road Trip may be impeding any Armada thoughts on his end, haha. We got a few articles left in this old girl, that's for sure. Stay tuned as always.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Raddus Rite-Up from Stewbucket! AKA Fleet Building 313A: A Blue Fish Case Study

More free content from the blog mines! Stewbucket (previous Worlds judge!) wanted to write this and it seemed pretty interesting (and i will freely take most content thrown my way, blog for the blog gods). Take a look about fleetbuilding and his insights, below!

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

LSO 2023 After Action Report - Kelorn

Hey guys, Kelorn asked if he could write an AAR for the Lone Star Open, and I will take any free article that gives me those sweet, sweet pageclicks. You know you want to read what he wrote, so hit the jump!

The key is to make the joke and then never explain it

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Know Your Enemy/Commander's Corner: Davits Draven

Hey, a new Rebel commander! That guy from that thing and some comic books, let's learn about Davits Draven!

He's definitely gonna appear in some other properties, right, and not die in a comic offscreen?

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Two RR Officers!

Before I dive into Draven, I figured I'd punch out Pryce and attack Assaj: hit the jump, kids!

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Four RR2 Squadrons!

Hooray, we got 4 new squadrons! Let me dump them all HERE before inserting them into their own posts. Hit the jump for some cool new stuff!

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

You Underestimate My Power!

Well, someone has to do it, and since Truth didn't want to, it falls to geek. Hooray! The final card to update and fix and then I'm... done. Wait. That's not happy. And speaking of not happy, how about those old Anakin Skywalker players? Let's hit the jump!

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Rapid Reinforcements 2 Announcement Post!

Alright, we finally have enough rulings that I can start getting these articles out. Almost everything has been clarified and these sure.... are cards, alright. I'm working on getting all these out for people and may even have some help soon writing them up, but we'll see how those all get out soon enough. I have..... many feelings about these cards, and the FAQs that arrived today.  I will try not to let them color my judgment too much as the site exists to advise people how to play these cards; I will use those rulings to help write the articles, though!

Expect the first ghost when the clock strikes onnnnnnnne! Or uh, I mean, article, uh, soon

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Bonjour mon amis! I'm here (again) with Elred's article, as the first time it didn't seem to take and I was having trouble wit the pictures. So, let's let Nicolas take it away for trial number 2!