I've updated the following articles with links:
Nebulon-B Frigate
CR90 Corvette
Assault Frigate MkII
GR-75 Medium Transports
I also added a section to the Assault Frigate article about how it's been unfairly maligned. Take a read below!
Unfairly Maligned
Is the Assault Frigate bad? No.
It's received an impression in the greater Armada community that it's
not a good ship, for various reasons. Some of that might be the fact
that it's quite generalist, some that it's trying to straddle the line
between a Small
CR90 and an (actual) Large
HMC80. The main issue that I will agree with is that you can't take or even use
Leading Shots on it.
Leading Shots
is one of the main ways that you get efficacy out of your Large ships
and their attack batteries, but you can't equip it here. You're
entirely at the mercy of how your red dice roll, which is NOT easy to
deal with. In a time of
chimpanzees I was a monkey TRCs on
CR90s, H9s on
MC30s, and Defiance/Quad Battery Turrets on an
having to accept the dice as you roll them is NOT an easy proposition.
You can equip Dual Turbolaser Turrets onto your Assault Frigate, and
that's not a bad way of fixing one of your red dice rolls. It costs the
same as Veteran Gunners, but it will do more and better work for you.
It does exist in that range (between
CR90 and
HMC80), and I think that is its major issue. No one expects the
CR90 to one shot another ship, but a well equipped Raider can. An ISD or an
will explode any small ship that wanders into close range of it. An
Assault Frigate generally DOESN'T have that reputation. It also doesn't
last long against Demolisher. I have been losing Assault Frigates to
Demolisher attacks for 6 waves now, and it has sucked EVERY TIME. For
the same cost as an Assault Frigate, you can get an Admonition
that will put more damage into your opponent's ship faster and harder.
Here comes 5 damage from an External Racks front and another 5-6 from
my side pew pew pew! The Assault Frigate can't compete with that
(realistically, I'm aware red dice have 2 damage sides) alone.
But what the Assault Frigate has that
don't is consistency. Not consistent damage, mind you, but consistent
attacks against the same targets. Let's pull up my image from before
about how to navigate it.
Take THAT, VSD! |
The faded Frigate can hit that
in the face, as can its new position. Those side arcs are quite
decent-sized and have very good range. You aren't getting 5-6 damage at
a time, but 2-3 followed by 2-3 next turn help a LOT. Try not to throw
damage at things with significant Evade tokens (
Raiders) and you'll get more work out of it. Or if you DO choose to throw damage at those things, put an
Intel Officer on your Frigate to ensure you start spending those FASTER.
thing about the Assault Frigate is that it loves friends. It would
love a second Assault Frigate nearby to help target whatever ship it's
throwing red dice at. 3 red dice aren't great, but 2 shots of 3 dice
are. Failing that, keep a
CR90 or
Nebulon B firing on the same ship. The
can go off on its lonesome and get work done, but the Assault Frigate
is part of a fleet and it needs the rest of the fleet to help it
actually get work done. You can't deploy it by its lonesome and hope
it'll win you the game, otherwise you're wasting 72 points plus.
Similarly, you can't deploy your
by itself and expect it to win you the game, so treat the Assault
Frigate similarly. Supplement its damage with a friend, and potentially
even some fighters, too.
Relatedly, the other thing about the Assault Frigate is that it's the only ship in the Rebellion that can
viably take and use
Flight Controllers.
Hammerheads don't push enough squadrons,
LMC80s want
Gunnery Team, and
MC30s want
Ordnance Experts
(and don't
push enough squadrons, either). If you want to win the squadron battle
fast with a solid attack, the Assault Frigate is the way to do it. When
you finish off whatever squadrons your opponent brought, you can then
start bombing your opponent's ship, making up for your potentially less
than stellar red dice attack rolls.
It can still get work done under
Ackbar with
Gunnery Teams
(5 red dice, 5 red dice? SOUNDS GOOD TO ME!), and it does well as a
squadron bunker (see above Gallant Haven title) and finisher (never
underestimate an
or 3 throwing 5 blue dice at squadrons). It's very flexible in it's
build and role, though, which is NICE. I can recommend putting
ECM or
Gunnery Team
on it (like I did above), but really, it's a matter of whatever you
WANT to put on it. Whatever else you do to build your Assault Frigate,
though, make sure to fill that
Weapons Team slot.