Friday, November 8, 2019

Quasar article updated

Small update for the Quasar. Still have the Raider, SSD, and VSD to go. SSD was produced recently but needs a little bit of tweaking (as I've played with it even more) and the Raider and VSD articles were updated with new RitR stuff (Corvus, Harrow, Versio, etc.) but I won't be satisfied until I review and update the entire article. That said, they're still pretty current if anyone's worried they're wildly out of date.

Quasar article changes:
  • Drastically cut down the section comparing a Quasar to a pair of Gozantis. Back when there was no flotilla limit, this was an important discussion. Nowadays there's not as much direct competition - most squad fleets don't choose between them anymore, they take (at least) one of each. It was left in previously because it didn't hurt to leave it there, but I've been endeavoring lately to trim articles down when possible to make them a bit more manageable (for me) and easy to finish reading (for you).
  • Added new hyperlinks
  • Compressed the title discussion a little bit as it had gotten rather long (it still is rather long, but not so much as before).
  • Organized upgrades section more cleanly using bullet points because I love bullet points (see: this list of bullet points). Also added Reserve Hangar Decks (because duh).

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